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Is it better to choose a mouth type or a mask type for aerosol inhalation therapy?

In the process of atomization inhalation therapy, some details are very important, not only determining the therapeutic effect, but also closely related to side effects and safety. One of the very important questions that many people don't pay attention to is, should you choose a mouth type or a mask type for aerosol inhalation therapy?

(1) When using mouth-containing atomization inhalation therapy, the drug is directly inhaled through the mouth to reach the lower respiratory tract, while when using mask atomization inhalation, the drug enters the airway through the nose or mouth, and generally enters the lower respiratory tract through the nasal cavity. In the nasal inhalation passage, the air flow is significantly smaller than the oral air flow, and the mechanical obstruction in the nose and the existence of many ineffective cavities lead to the retention of drugs in the nasal cavity, resulting in the loss and waste of drugs, and the reduction of the deposition rate in the lungs.

That is to say, the volume of oral inhalation is significantly greater than that of nasal inhalation, and the amount of drug deposition in the lungs is greater than that of nasal inhalation. Therefore, from the perspective of increasing the deposition rate in the lungs and reducing the waste of drugs, the mouth-containing atomization inhalation is more effective than the mask-type atomization inhalation.

(2) When inhaled through a mask, the drug will be retained in the nasal cavity, and many people do not pay attention to cleaning the nasal cavity, which can lead to the risk of nasal infection; when the mask is aerosolized, the drug will also be absorbed by the facial skin. Various adverse effects such as eye irritation and adsorption to the eyes can cause various side effects, such as the adsorption of hormone drugs on the face, which may leave facial pigmentation, and the deposition of anticholinergic drugs in the eyes may cause blurred vision, pupils Exacerbation of enlargement and glaucoma.

(3) In addition, clinical nebulization is usually driven by an oxygen pump. For patients with COPD and carbon dioxide retention, the mask nebulization method can aggravate adverse consequences such as carbon dioxide retention. Therefore, from the perspective of reducing side effects, the same mouth-type atomization inhalation method is more advantageous. In the literature reviewed, more studies have shown that the treatment effect (improvement of lung function, symptom improvement, etc.) through mouth-containing atomization inhalation is more significant and has fewer side effects than mask atomization inhalation. Therefore, containing Mouth-shaped aerosol inhalation method is recommended as the first choice.

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